Wednesday, December 8, 2010

EOC: Week 10: What Channels are you going to do to get your product noticed?

For channels I plan to use indirect channels I want to use indirect channels because I personally think that it would be to have mediator between us and business. “Indirect marketing channel: channel containing one or more intermediary levels.”(Marketing An Introduction Armstrong/Kotler Chapter 10 Pg. 8) I think that discussing alcohol is a very touchy thing for some people, because some channels probably hate our fruity beers and only believe in drinking real alcohol. So we want to make sure that there is never going to be a problem. We want our mediator to make sure whether or not the channel is interested or not so we don’t waste their time and they don’t waste ours. I want our company to be able to look good to other channels; I don’t want our company and other companies to have disputes. I think that would just put a bad image on us and on our company. When we are being looked up would like our comments to be good not bad, especially since we are just starting out.  “When selecting intermediaries, the company should determine what characteristics distinguish the better ones. It will want to evaluate each channel member’s years in business, other lines carried, growth and profit record, cooperativeness, and reputation. If the intermediaries are sales agents, the company will want to evaluate the number and character of other lines carried and the size and quality of the sales force. If the intermediary is a retail store that wants exclusive or selective distribution, the company will want to evaluate the store’s customers, location, and future growth potential.” (Marketing An Introduction Armstrong/Kotler Ch. 10 Pg. 29) We want to be careful selecting our mediator, we want to make sure we pick the right person for the job, most likely not a person who doesn’t like alcohol or who doesn’t believe in fruity beers.

BOC Week 10: Famous Lemon Ad for Volkswagen

“The ad featured a black and white photo of the Volkswagen Beetle with the word “Lemon” in bold san serif font… that proclaims that this particular car was rejected … of a blemish on the chrome piece of the glove box. The ad goes on to describe the rigorous inspection process...” (“This preoccupation with detail means the VW lasts longer and requires less maintenance, by and large, than other cars. (It also means a used VW depreciates less than any other car.)We pluck the lemons; you get the plums.” (“The Model T Ford was the first "people's car," but a brilliant engineer named Ferdinand Porsche dreamed of one for the German people. So did Adolf Hitler, who saw a Volkswagen as a way to secure himself as Germany's absolute ruler. With Der Fuhrer's patronage, Porsche designed a simple yet sophisticated machine with a distinctive beetle-like shape. But just as production got rolling, Hitler began World War II and the little car's future was very much in doubt.”
( personal opinion about the advertisement is that it is a great way to trick you into reading the piece of paper that is in front of you. Too many times I have seen people who read magazines go right pass the ads because they do not interest them. This advertisement caught many people’s attention because Volkswagen made fun of their car which made it funny. The other part is the investigation by Inspector Kurt Kroner, who rejected the car; which makes people interested in reading about the investigation. So not only does the advertisement entertains its customers but also gives them information. Since the advertisement was made they successfully sold the car. Plus since then there has not been such a great advertisement of this potential in a while. So in conclusion Volkswagen created one of the greatest ads in history.

Final Project: Implementation Evaluation Control

The implementation evaluation control will be based upon the how much we sell the beer and where we sell it at. We want to be able to control how much we sell based on the market sell and where we sell it at. I don’t want to start out too big for our product if it doesn’t go well, but being positive here we want our product to sell great for Los Angeles and the clubs there. So for our plan we want to make our beer have the best flavor and a little bit of alcohol. We want to be able to test our samples and make sure that it is the best for our customers. The customers must be able to see that there is value in our beer for our plan to work. In conclusion the control of beer will be based on our customers and our employees.

Final Project: Pricing

Price is important matter to our company and that is why we want to start out in Los Angeles. We don’t want our drinks to represent “too pricy”. “Price: The amount of money charged for a product or service, or the sum of the values that customers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service.” (Marketing An Introduction Armstrong/Kotler Chapter 9 Pg. 4) “Price is the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue; all other elements represent costs. Price is also one of the most flexible marketing mix elements.” (Marketing An Introduction Armstrong/Kotler Chapter 9 Pg. 4) Drinks in Los Angeles for beers and fruity beers is about five, six dollars, we want our beers to not represent a cheap drink so we are happy with the price and hopefully with the experience the customers will see it as value and not worry about the price. That is what most important in pricing, is that customers don’t have to worry about it or care because they like the experience they have; they see value in buying it. That is what we want to see for our product, otherwise the price doesn’t really represent anything because we won’t make any money if our customers can’t trust our brand and think that the value and experience is worth it.

Final Project: Promotion

Our company would like to create the promotion mix for our company. “Promotion Mix: The specific blend of promotion tools that the company uses to persuasively communicate customer value and build customer relationships.” (Marketing An Introduction Armstrong/Kotler Chapter 12 Pg. 3) The promotion mix is based on advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations, and direct marketing."Advertising: Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.” (Marketing An Introduction Armstrong/Kotler Chapter 12 Pg. 3)  “Sales promotion: Short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service.” (Marketing An Introduction Armstrong/Kotler Chapter 12 Pg.3) “Personal selling: Personal presentation by the firm’s sales force for the purpose of making sales and building customer relationships.” (Marketing An Introduction Armstrong/Kotler Chapter 12 Pg. 4)” Public relations (PR): Building good relations with the company’s various publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good corporate image, and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events.” (Marketing An Introduction Armstrong/Kotler Chapter 12 Pg. 4) “Direct marketing: Direct connections with carefully targeted individual consumers to both obtain an immediate response and cultivate lasting customer relationships.” (Marketing An Introduction Armstrong/Kotler Chapter 12 Pg. 4)

Final Project: Distribution

Our company’s distribution we will probably be in a truck with our beer’s logo on it. We will mostly likely only have one delivery truck for all of our routes right now. Until if hopefully we grow and then we could use more trucks to deliver to more channels that we are connected to. I think that for our first distribution we should start in the clubs, I want to make sure our product would even make it in the convenience stores and Lee’s Liquor. Our product will be the same rate as other drinks in Los Angeles. We also want to make sure that we are the only ones that know the ingredients of our beer; we just want other channels to sell our beer, not to know how we make it. So our company will probably have VMS. “Vertical marketing system (VMS): A distribution channel structure in which producers, wholesalers, and retailers act as a unified system. One channel member owns the others, has contracts with them, or has so much power that they all cooperate.” (Marketing An Introduction Armstrong/Kotler Chapter 10 Pg. 12) Our company wants to make sure we have the option to set up a multichannel distribution system. “Multichannel distribution system: A distribution system in which a single firm sets up two or more marketing channels to reach one or more customer segments.” (Marketing An Introduction Armstrong/Kotler Chapter 10 Pg. 18) We want to make sure our employees are connected to our customers so we can have the chance to connect and listen to our customers and our employees will be in the same age rank and be able to connect with our customers and they can make them feel more comfortable. In conclusion we want our distribution to be smooth and go well with our customers and our employees so our company can thrive.

Final Project: Product

Our companies’ product will be called Dynamite. I want to make an original named beer that will be able to attract customers. “New product development: The development of original products, product improvements, product modifications, and new brands through the firm’s own product-development efforts.” (Marketing An Introduction Armstrong/Kotler Chapter 8 Pg. 5) We don’t want our project to fail for this product that will be our main goal. “Why do so many new products fail? There are several reasons. Although an idea may be good, the company may overestimate market size. The actual product may be poorly designed. Or it might be incorrectly positioned, launched at the wrong time, priced too high, or poorly advertised.”(Marketing An Introduction Armstrong/Kotler Chapter Pg. 6) As I explained before will be a beer that is made of brown color bottles. We want the best taste for our beer so we decided to go with the brown bottle packaging. The brown bottle packaging prevents the sunlight from going into the beer and prevents it from making the beer taste sour. Plus we are depending on our product to produce the experience of blasting flavor. We plan on doing this by adding more flavors to the beer and only a little bit of alcohol. When we start our company we want to give out samples to our employees, this how involved we want them to be. “New-product development starts with idea generation—the systematic search for new-product ideas.” (Marketing An Introduction Armstrong/Kotler Chapter 8 Pg.7) We want to make sure that we are giving our customers the experienced we promised instead of saying a lot of stuff and not meaning it. We want our company to thrive on our product not go down because of it. So hopefully if everything works out we will be able to produce our product with the best flavors in beer and our customers will love it.